
Fraud attempt in EAEA’s name

Attention! We have noticed that there has been a fraud attempt in EAEA’s name.

Some member organisations have received letters asking for a money transfer to EAEA. Don’t trust these messages and please contact us before making any money transfers in EAEA’s name.

Gina Ebner
Secretary General, EAEA

EAEA contact details

16.05.2024 projects

Enhancing Access to Adult Learning Opportunities: EAEA’s RALExILA Project on Registries for Adult Learning and Education

The RALExILA project is aiming to develop an integrated information system for national registries in Adult Learning and Education (ALE). By providing a platform for learners and learning providers alike, the project's objectives include improving ALE quality and access to learning opportunities.

08.03.2024 projects

Sharing and Learning from National Initiatives for Upskilling Pathways

The Partner UP project organised a development group on February 27, 2024, to enhance cooperation and trust-building among stakeholders for the implementation of the Upskilling Pathways recommendation. The online meeting aimed to provide participants with a space to share their upskilling initiatives, facilitate peer learning, and potentially establish correlations.

29.02.2024 Erasmus+

Digital information path for EU funding available now

A new online tool enables adult learning and education organisations and providers to find EU project funding instruments that are relevant to their needs and meet the operational capacity of the organisations. The tool was developed in the framework of the Erasmus+funded small-scale partnership Path2EU4AE, coordinated by CONEDU and implemented in partnership with EAEA, Auxilium, and Maribor adult education centre.